● Approximately half of all enrolled university students attend institutions with some type of COVID-19 vaccine mandate.
● Students with Democratic state governors, students at private institutions, and students at medium- to larger- sized institutions are more likely to report having vaccine mandates at their university.
● A little over two-thirds of students stated that they knew their university’s COVID-19 vaccine policy, and around two-thirds of these students accurately characterized their institution’s policy. In other words, only around half of all university student respondents surveyed accurately knew their university’s policy.
● University mask and student/faculty/staff vaccination mandates garnered the highest student approval rate for their school administration’s handling of COVID-19 vaccinations.
● College students who were required to attend any in-person classes were less likely to approve of their school’s handling of COVID-19 vaccinations.
● Republican college students and unvaccinated college students were less likely to approve of their institution’s handling of COVID-19 vaccinations. Hispanic students and White students were generally less approving than Black students and Asian students, and approval did not vary by gender.